Some Extra Resources
Hey y’all! Just wanted to share some extra resources that may be helpful for you.
If you haven’t done so already, make sure you create a LinkedIn account. It’s a professional networking site that will help you in your career presence online. Here’s some tips to help you get started on making a good account
Once you’ve done that, make sure you join the Intro to CS Group so you can get extra resources!
I’m having office hours on Monday and Friday starting January 6th! You can chat with me virtually during this time to talk/ask about anything you like. If you need a mock interview with me, please email me directly at Mock interviews will also start January 6th.
Announcement 14.1
Reminder: Come to Class Today
Good morning y’all,
This is a reminder to please come to class today as we will be doing a post-assessment of the things you’ve learned over the last 14 weeks. This will be the same as the pre-assessment that you took at the beginning of the semester.
Also, this post-semester survey form will be worth a free extra lab if you fill it out. It’ll take less than 20 minutes.
Announcement 13.1
Announcement 11.1
Hi class!
Due to the university changes during election week, I’ve decided to push back the exam. It will now be held on Wednesday, November 13th during class time
Remember that lab 6 is due today, lab 7 is due Friday and the project code submission is due next Monday
The last day to withdraw from a course is next Friday November 8th. If you have under a 60 in this class, I’d have a conversation with your advisor about whether or not it’d be worth taking this class next semester.
Announcement 10.1
Hi class!
Lab 6 is out. It is due Monday, October 28th at 11:59pm
Make sure you continue working on your project. The code submission is due Monday November 4th
Reminder: Exam 2 will be Wednesday, November 6th during class time. You must be present to take the exam
The next installment of Google’s 6-week Tech Series will be Thursday, October 14th
Please try to come to this virtual event if you can make it. The topic will be on Security
Join at (Google Meet) 6PM-7PM ET
Announcement 9.1
Hi class!
Lab 6 is out. It is due Monday, October 28th at 11:59pm
Reminder: Exam 2 will be Wednesday, November 6th during class time. You must be present to take the exam
- The next installment of Google’s 6-week Tech Series will be Thursday, October 17th
Please try to come to this virtual event if you can make it. The topic will be on Web Development
Join at (Google Meet) 6PM-7PM ET
- If you would like to do a mock interview, you can schedule one with me here or schedule one with a Google Career Coach here
Announcement 8.1
Hi class!
Class is virtual today. You may access the course zoom here.
There is a homework assingment on Codio that is due Monday, 10/14. PLEASE fill out the mid-semester survey at the beginning before doing the homework!
Please attend the Google Tech Series event happening this Thursday (10/10). The topic this week will be on Test Engineering
- You can access the meeting link here
Announcement 7.3
Hi class!
Quick announcement: Lecture on Monday, October 7th will be virtual. You may access the course zoom here. I’ll keep reminding you this week!
Also, as holiday breaks are coming soon, a few announcements regarding Thanksgiving break and finals.
- Lecture on Monday, November 25th will be optional and virtual. Since it’s the last week of class, lecture on Monday will just be review for the final exam
- Lecture on Wednesday, November 27th will be cancelled
- I’ve updated the syllabus to reflect the final exam schedule so that you can plan any winter break travel accordingly.
Announcement 7.2
Internship Opportunities Geared Towards First/Second-Year Students
Happy new month y’all!
As recruitment season is well underway, I want to make sure that you all have a list of companies that have internship programs geared towards first and second year students. While I strongly recommend Google as a place to work as a current employee and former intern, I also recommend applying to different places so you can have options! Below is a list of companies that are actively accepting applications. I will add to this list over time, so check back here regularly! Note: All internships I list here accept international students and provide visa sponsorships. They are also all paid $$$!
Company | Position | Application Window | Link to Apply |
STEP Intern (First Year) | 9/30 - 10/25 | Link | |
STEP Intern (Second Year) | 9/30 - 10/25 | Link | |
Microsoft | Explore Intern (Second Year) | 9/30 - TBD | Link |
Microsoft | Explore Intern (First Year) | TBD | TBD |
Meta | Meta University Intern | Sep 28 - TBD | Link |
Nvidia | Nvidia Ignite Intern | Sep 16 - Oct 18 | Link |
Announcement 7.1
- Lab 4 will be due Friday, October 4th at 11:59pm
- Make sure you mark the assignment as complete when you’re done. Forgetting to do so will not count as a valid excuse. Continue to ask questions on Piazza and attend office hours
- The the second of Google’s 6-week Tech Series will be Thursday, October 3rd
Please try to come to this virtual event if you can make it. The topic will be on Program/Product Management
Join at (Google Meet) 6PM-7PM ET
- The Google STEP internship application opens TODAY! It will remain open until October 25th. You can apply here
- If you need someone to look over your application materials, feel free to reach out to me or email Nathan (
Announcement 6.1
- Lab 3 will be due Friday, September 27th at 11:59pm
- Make sure you mark the assignment as complete when you’re done. Forgetting to do so will not count as a valid excuse. Continue to ask questions on Piazza and attend office hours
- The first of Google’s 6-week Tech Series will be Thursday, September 26th
Please try to come to this virtual event if you can make it. The topic will be on Software Engineering
Join at (Google Meet) 6PM-7PM ET
For the exam Wednesday, make sure you come to class EARLY. The exam will close automatically at the end of your assigned lecture time, and coming to class late is not a valid excuse for not completing the exam
All the questions from the review session today are under the schedule for this week
- As a reminder, I will have office hours tomorrow (9/24) from 11-3. If there is anything you need to chat about, please feel free to drop by
Announcement 5.1
- Remember to complete lab 2 by Wednesday, September 18th
- Make sure you mark the assignment as complete when you’re done. Forgetting to do so will not count as a valid excuse. Continue to ask questions on Piazza and attend office hours
- There is a study guide for exam 1 available on Codio
- Please take the time to take a look at it. It’s not graded, but will help you in terms of studying
Announcement 4.2
- Lab 2 has been extended
- Lab 2 will be due on Wednesday, September 18th at 11:59 pm. Continue to ask questions on Piazza and attend office hours
- There will be no quiz tomorrow
- To ensure that students have a really good grasp on conditionals and while loops, we’ll spend Wednesday’s lecture practicing a little more with it.
I will be in my office (LKD 1110G) from 9am to 5pm today (9/10) so feel free to drop by any time with questions.
Happy learning!
Announcement 4.1
- Lab 2 is due Wednesday September 11th at 11:59pm. Dont forget to mark the assignment as complete
- Please submit Labs 1.1 and 1.2 if you have not done so already. They will be marked as complete automatically at 11:59pm September 10th
- Exam 1 will be on Wednesday September 25th. You’ll receive a practice exam and review materials soon, but I recommend getting a head start on your studies
- Any questions you have about course material and content (like assignments) should be asked either in class, in office hours, or on Piazza. Please do not bombard your TAs’ DMs as they likely will not respond
If you have an excused absence that you have reached out to me about and you need to make up a quiz, please fill out this form to schedule a make-up slot
Google will be coming to campus next week! The STEP internship program is opening soon, and we will have representatives come to talk about the internship process, as well as current employees (who are also Howard alum!) come to talk about their experiences! You can RSVP for the events here
Announcement 3.2 - Announcement Regarding Late Registration
If you were registered for the class BEFORE August 28th, feel free to ignore.
For those of you who have reached out to me regarding registering for the class late, please fill out this form as soon as possible so I can make sure you all are caught up. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Announcement 3.1 - Reminders
Reminder: Lab 1.1 and 1.2 are due TODAY at 11:59pm. Make sure that you mark the labs as complete when you’re done so you don’t incur a late penalty of 10%
- Please make sure that you ask regarding assignments and course logistics on Piazza first.
- If you have a question, please make the post visible to all instructors (not just me) if you’re question contains your code for a particular assignment. That way, you can get your questions answered more quickly
- If you have a question that does not contain you code for a particular assignment, feel free to make the course public to everyone in the class if you’re comfortable. You’re also encouraged to answer questions that your peers ask on Piazza!
- Check the course website/Piazza regularly as most of your course related questions are answered
Announcement 2.1 - Office Hours and Piazza Signup
Reminder: Please do the Getting to Know You homework by Friday, August 30th.
If you have not already, please sign up for Piazza and take a good look at the course website. A lot of your questions will be answered there :)
As we’ll be really diving into content starting this week, please take the time to get to know your TAs (both Howard and Google). There’s multiple office hours happening this week, so don’t be a stranger!
Announcement 1.1 - Welcome to CSCI100 - Intro to Computer Science (aka CS0)
Please do the following tasks before Lecture on Wednesday. We will start introducing course material then. If you have any questions, ask on Piazza :)
- How to access Codio :
- Access Token: mentor-novel
- How to access Piazza :
- Term: Fall 2024
- Class 1: “CSCI100: Intro to CS”
- Class Code: cs024